Friday, September 23, 2011

The last few chapter readings seem to have a common theme with Texas being a greater part of it. Mexicans and American settlers had radically different ideas of what Texas would be. Texas gains its independence and became a republic first and eventually a part of the U.S.

Would the U.S. function well without Texas or being the grand state it is be integral to the U.S. economy?

 What would happen if Texas would not be a part of the U.S., would we have issues with immigration, the U.S. - México border and conflicts with cartels?

From Grace and Christina

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Group 1 -- Biutiful

In the movie Biutiful, we are shown scenarios that play into a number of different themes.
  1. Life in Barcelona
  2. Life as a single parent
  3. Living with a terminal disease
  4. Illegal immigrants and their 'role'
  5. Language ( Spanish, Chinese, & Wolof)
  6. Death & Spirituality
  7. Economy
As a recap: In class we have discussed how to analyze films for more than just enjoyment. We look for the content: main thread, second stories, purpose, relationships between characters, and what is valued. We look for form: cinematography, lighting, colors, and texture of image.
A few important elements to analyze: voice, inner text, music, feminine & masculine characters, perspectives and point of view.

One thing that had an impact on me was that Uxbal, the main character, showed while taking care of the illegal immigrants. This notion of a father figure to these people, while also being a single father at home is incredibly important for the sentiment of the film. To me, I saw him as a "mother/father" figure. The immigrants and his children both needed him desperately, although in the end he ultimately failed both groups, his attempt to make things good was, what I saw as the main thread of the story.
  1. In what ways did the characters actions move the story?
  2. How is immigration viewed by both locals in the film and the audience viewing Biutiful?
  3. Is there a difference?
  4. What was the purpose of the 'communicating with the dead'?
Just a few questions to get us thinking about the film as educated students! :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Immigration is acontroversial issue in the European Union as it is in the United States. The Other Europe is film that brings to bear many of the issues being faced by peoples across from the Atlantic Ocean. This film proposes that immigrants in general receive mixed messages, on the one hand the official rhetoric refuses them legal entry on the other, once they arrive at their destination there are plenty of jobs left unfulfilled by the local citizenry.

Babel, however represents a different aspect of human interaction than that of immigration. This film delves into a probing view of the effects of globalization. In addition, it cuts across national boundaries and continents as it moves from The United States, Morocco, Mexico and Japan in a story line that is intertwined by the random acts of a young boy.

Please comment on the intersection between the two films and the effects that images produce on the viewer. Furthermore, in class we discussed many aspects of these films in relation to Adams. Please feel free to comment on this element of our discussions.