Friday, October 7, 2011


In contrast to earlier immigration, the later era of US immigration involved quotas based upon the nationalities already present in the United States.
1. Is this system fair?
2. How does this quota system affect the makeup of the US, with respect to cities as well as rural areas?
3. In a post 9-11 world, does continued restricted immigration help, or harm the US? Why?
V. What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?


  1. In a way the system is hacked in the sense that the people that the United States wants come here and it limits the people that they dont want here. By having quotas it does benefit and hurt the US. In a way that it benefits is that it helps the influx of people coming in especially with the job crisis. But on the other hand when we need labor force, immigrants are the ones doing the unwanted jobs. The issue i find is that the immigrants that come do work and help the economy with taxes and buying things but most of their money goes to other countries, and that being the issue.

  2. The quota system is made to be unfair. It establishes limits to who can enter into the country. It undoubtedly destroyed the hopes and dreams of those who were looking to start anew in the US. But the quota system, as demonstrated in the film, led to the Passport and Visa system that we use today (which reminds me that I need to renew my passport). It led to a more efficient way of immigration. Instead of turning back boatloads of immigrants, the new system made unnecessary trips a thing of the past.

  3. I think the system isn't perfect but that it's got the right idea. I don't think we should severely restrict each country's immigration, but I think there should be a cap on immigrants from certain countries. Regarding the US and Mexico, for example, I think it's reasonable to have a cap on the number of Mexican immigrants per year; having everyone in Mexico leave it will not solve its problems, and immigrants from other countries should be able to stand a chance without being overwhelmed by Mexican immigration applications.

    My main problem with restricting immigration is that it does allow the US (in this case) to control its demographic makeup; it's for that reason that I'd just cap the number of immigrants from flooding countries, not every country. In light of 9/11, I think restricted immigration can help and harm. It can harm by not letting people from certain countries in based on an untrue stereotype. It can help by having more firm restrictions and checks in place, however.

    V. 42. Does that get me extra credit?

  4. There is no way that the quota system can be completely fair to everyone. It is particularly unfair and in part racist in the overt effort to keep the diversity of people in the United States at the same level that it already was, there was obviously an endeavor to keep some people out. Clearly not everyone can be allowed to freely enter the U.S., but in some areas the workforce provided by immigration is crucial. In a post 9/11 world, continued immigration both helps and harms the U.S. Laws were made to be enforced but when these laws become a cause for stereotypes, racist treatment and feelings of animosity towards presumed immigrant groups it becomes a negative for everyone.

  5. We've established that the quota system is unfair. However, can it be useful to developing our national character? Is it useful for social cohesion? Many countries are limited to 1,000 immigrants per year under the current system. Since immigrants seem to do well when large numbers of them enter the country at the same time, and can teach each other to acculturate as new immigrants come in, I think it would be useful to increase migration quotas in certain countries for a few years, building to a high point, in order to increase our diversity, and enrich our culture. These migrants could become more comfortably and quickly integrated into our society in this manner. Just a thought.

  6. The quota system is unfair for the fallowing reasons. First of all, not all the nationalities are going to have the same opportunity to be able to come to the U.S; since in reality there is favoritism among nationalities so the ones that are less wanted because of bad stereotypes might be given a less percentage quota. Also, there is going to be an issue in the way that not all the nationalities come at the same rates. Some nationalities come to the U.S more than others and if we have set a quota system it would put in huge disadvantage to does nationalities that do want to come and work.

  7. I feel like restricted immigration does both for the US, harm and good. The restriction make it harder for people to come into the US, and need to take the correct steps to obtain visas or apply for residency, which then allows them to enter, legally, and begin their lives. After 9/11, I feel like there are important precautions that are being taken to keep our country safe. However, some businesses are going bankrupt because they cannot find people to work for them, therefore bringing the economy down, harming the US.
