Monday, November 14, 2011

Political Cartoons

There are many factors that effect us in the United States and some of those things are controversial cartoons. Look over these cartoons and discuss your opinions and feelings of one or more of them.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The New Second Generation: Segmented Assimilation and Its Variants

The article “The New Second Generation: Segmented Assimilation and Its Variants” discusses three types of assimilation that immigrants to the United States undergo: complete assimilation, selective assimilation or minimal assimilation.

1. List advantages or disadvantages for each category of assimilation.

2. Examine one of the groups from the article and discuss the assimilation specific to that group.

3. Have you experienced or encountered any of these forms of assimilation in your life?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Do you think the prejudices that Adams discusses have set grounds for the way American society functions today? How does Adams support or not support this idea and how do you agree or disagree with what Adams says?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ellis Island

In the movie Ellis Island, we saw a drastic transformation in United States policy on immigration. In the United States before this time, we saw a nationalist attitude that denied entry from many different races not considered to be "Anglo-Saxon." Discuss how America transformed to an "all white" nationalistic country to the largest melting pot in the world with the inauguration opening of Ellis Island and how it shaped immigration laws today. Do you think an open immigration policy like the one used in the times of Ellis Island is more beneficial to our country, or do you think harsh immigration laws are necessary?

By: Skyler, Colan, and Gabriella.

Friday, October 7, 2011


In contrast to earlier immigration, the later era of US immigration involved quotas based upon the nationalities already present in the United States.
1. Is this system fair?
2. How does this quota system affect the makeup of the US, with respect to cities as well as rural areas?
3. In a post 9-11 world, does continued restricted immigration help, or harm the US? Why?
V. What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Mexican-American War Map and Discussion

"The glory of the victory was for the President and generals not the deserters, the dead, the wounded......" Howard Zinn page 143 Greasers and Gingos

Mexico typically entered battle with the US with larger troops and greater familiarity with the land they defended.
Why then, did they repeatedly lose those battles, giving way to American concept of Manifest Destiny?
What did Mexico lack which might have turned the tables in their favor? How might modern society be different in the event of Mexican victories?
Factors to Consider:
America's population being three times bigger than Mexico
Political Motivations
plans for disputed lands

Friday, September 23, 2011

The last few chapter readings seem to have a common theme with Texas being a greater part of it. Mexicans and American settlers had radically different ideas of what Texas would be. Texas gains its independence and became a republic first and eventually a part of the U.S.

Would the U.S. function well without Texas or being the grand state it is be integral to the U.S. economy?

 What would happen if Texas would not be a part of the U.S., would we have issues with immigration, the U.S. - México border and conflicts with cartels?

From Grace and Christina